Just another mom blog…

For this child, I have prayed. (Samuel 1:27)

1st Easter

I started cooking our Easter Dinner Saturday night.  I did all of the side dishes and dessert so that all I would have to do Sunday after church is the rolls and the meat.  I cooked: green bean casserole, stuffing, giblet gravy, glazed ham, orange glazed duck with cherries, pineapple upside-down cake, yeast rolls, and asparagus.

Sunday, we woke up and headed off to church.  Nathan was all dressed up in an outfit his BB sent him. Before church, I took a ton of pictures of him.  I made C hold him for some of the pictures.  After a few dozen shots and making him turn this way and that making sure I got JUST THE RIGHT picture, C finally gave in and said he is “done.” (End of discussion).  Luckily I did get a few good pictures.  Realizing that we were THISCLOSE to being late, I rushed to grab everything so we could head out the door and on to church.  As I was locking the door, I happened to glance down and realized that I still had my pink, fuzzy slippers on! Oops…

At church, EVERYONE commented on how adorable and beautiful he is.  I tied the little matching bonnet onto his head and it was just adorable.  C fussed at me and tried to get me to take it off.  I told him to “shoo!” and that it is too cute to remove.  (It was).  Anyhow, I thanked them and showed off my handsome boy.  What can I say? I’m a proud momma! Any mom would do the same.

At home, Nathan got to enjoy his BB-bunny gifts.  BB sent him 2 interactive toys and a card which I placed into his scrapbook.  We got him a couple of Ralph lauren polos and rompers; a Joovy room play yard, a stroller, a foam bib for  , a few toys, and a chocolate Easter bunny.  (Daddy actually got him the bunny, which is funny since he loves chocolate and Nathan cannot eat it…Oh dear! Guess daddy just HAS to eat the chocolate for him, poor guy…the perrils of fatherhood.  😉

We enjoyed our dinner and then we got to talk on the video phone with BB and Pop-pop.  🙂

Will post pictures later! 🙂

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